News Detail

Welcome to 2021 5th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control

Issuing time:2021-08-20 21:25

The 2021 Chinese Conferenceon Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control (CCSICC 2021) will be held in Shenzhen on November 19-22, 2021, following thesuccesses of previous four events.

Chinese Conference onSwarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control (CCSICC) is an annual event, which is also one of the leading events inautonomous decision-making, cooperativeguidance and control. CCSICC 2021 is sponsored by Chinese Institute of Commandand Control. CCSICC 2021 is organized by TechnicalCommittee on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control of CICC, SwarmIntelligent Control Joint Laboratory by Beijing Institute of Electronic SystemEngineering and Beihang University, School of Automation Science and ElectricalEngineering in Beihang University, Institute of Artificial Intelligence inBeihang University, Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory, StateKey Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing System Technology for ComplexProducts, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and BrainComputing in Beihang University. The conference consists of plenary talks,invited sessions, oral sessions and poster sessions for academic exchanges.

The conference papers in English presented at the CCSICC 2021 willbe published by Springer-Nature in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (indexed by EI-Compendex). The accepted Chinese papers will bepublished by some famous journals (including"Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica","Aero Weaponry ","Journalof System Simulation", "NavigationPositioning and Timing","Modern Defense Technology", etc.).

We sincerely welcome our colleaguesworldwide to organize a Special Session for this conference(Chinese manuscripts and English manuscripts can be mixed inthe same Session).Welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for thisconference. We look forward to seeing you in Shenzhen for this exciting event!

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Contact Information

Secretariat of the Program Committee:
Prof. Qing Wang, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA), No.37, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Tel: 15620515033 E-mail: