All manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format before the deadline October 20, 2021 through the conference online submission system Both English and Chinese manuscripts are acceptable.

1.     The initial version of each Chinese paper cannot exceed 8 pages. The camera-ready version of each accepted paper is also        up to 8 pages in total, but each page in excess of 6 will incur an extra charge (300 per page). Each English paper is limited  

       to 10 pages and cannot exceed 12 pages. Each page in excess of 10 will incur an extra charge (300 per page).

2.     All papers must be written using the style given in English Template and Chinese Template (It should be noted that the English

       template and the Chinese template are different).

Declaration on Paper submissions

To promote academic exchanges among domestic and abroad scholars, the official languages of 2021 5th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control (CCSICC 2021) are Chinese and English, namely, the on-site exchanges and papers included in the proceedings of CCSICC 2021 can be presented or written in Chinese or English. Hereby, CCSICC 2021 declares as follow:

Paper Templates

How to Submit

1.     All papers MUST be edited in CCSICC 2021 Template and submitted in PDF. Please check privacy of your manuscript (For

       English papers, CrossCheck software is used for privacy checking, and for Chinese papers, CNKI software is used for

       privacy checking. The repetition rate of all papers (including references) should be strictly less than 15%)

2.     Log in the online submission system using your PIN and password.

3.     Click "Author Center" of CCSICC 2021.

4.     Select a submission type (see below about the submission types), click "submit a new contribution" to start the submission.

Each paper submitted successfully will have aunique Paper ID, please use it for any further correspondance.

Submission Types

Regular Paper

If you are not sure please choose submission type "regular paper" to submit your manuscript. The initial version of each Chinese paper cannot exceed 8 pages. The camera-ready version of each accepted paper is also up to 8 pages in total, but each page in excess of 6 will incur an extra charge (300 per page). Each English paper is limited to 10 pages and cannot exceed 12 pages. Each page in excess of 10 will incur an extra charge (300 per page).

Invited Session Proposal

The invited/special session organizers should submit a proposal (choose "Invited Session Proposal" in the submission) first, then a session code will be assigned to the session, and all the corresponding authors of the papers involved in the session should be informed of the session code by the session organizers. A session commonly consists of six papers.

Invited Session Paper

An invited/special session paper must be submitted in the submission type "Invited Session Paper" with the correct session code. Please note that all the invited/special session papers must be submitted before the indicated first submission deadline, and go through the review process with the regular papers.

All the submissions (including regular papers, invited session proposals, and invited session papers) and reviews are through the conference online submission system Please make sure you have a PIN in the online submission system before submitting your paper. If you do not have an account yet, please follow the instructions at the home page to get a new one. Please fill out all authors' PINs in the submission. If one of the co-authors do not have a PIN, please help him/her create a new one.

All papers in English are strongly recommended to use the Springer style, including all tables, figures, and references. It is required that the

authors use the style file of Springer (template file for MS Word in English is available here, please click English-MS Word Template or English-Tex Template to download it) when preparing the manuscripts to ensure the uniformity of papers. Meanwhile, MS Word template for
manuscripts in Chinese is available here, please click Chinese-MS Word Template to download it. We strongly recommend the authors to use these templates.

1.    The languages for on-site exchanges and papers included in the proceedings of CCSICC 2021 are Chinese and English;

2.    The Author(s) is required to submit a written statement that the author(s) doesn’t engage in academic misconduct with the  

      submitted final paper(s);

3.    All the papers must be edited in Template;

4.    The conference will recommend some best papers in Chinese to famous journals for possible publication, but the final

      decision is concluded by these journals.

5.    CCSICC 2021 will eliminate 'No Shows'. At least one author of the accepted paper MUST attend the conference to present  

      the paper. If none of the authors could attend, please ensure that someone else will present the paper on your behalf.

Contact Information

Secretariat of the Program Committee:
Prof. Qing Wang, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA), No.37, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Tel: 15620515033 E-mail: